
2019-12-16 加入收藏 阅读 打印 来源:互联网 网友投稿 共有条评论

关于学习英语的名言1、是金子总会发光。Is gold will shine。2、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。To cheer, to the next level。3、酒能够淹没人的智慧。Wine can”

The road of life will not be smooth, the journey of my career is full of rugged disasters, only struggle, only hard, will reach the other shore of success。


Don't sigh in the past, it is no longer come back; To improve now wisely。 With no sorrow not afraid of firmly into the uncertain future of the will。


Don't take any chances, to avoid the greedy heart strings, this will make you think short-circuit。 If you are not a step by step the steadfast, is easy to fall into the unrealistic bet。
